Fresh Start Professional Services

It’s About Your Future

About Us

The FRESH START PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Organization offers the community an opportunity to start over without prejudice. We create a clean slate, chances and provide opportunities to change individual’s hardships. Everyday is a fresh start. Each day is a new beginning. Every morning we wake up is the first day of our new life. Today you have a blank slate, a moment for you to create a life you love and that loves you back in return. Don’t dwell on old news, and things you can no longer change.


Our mission is to disrupt the cycles of incarceration and poverty by helping people find their way to self- sufficiency.


Our vision is to assist in successfully transitioning individuals into the community by connecting participants to community based organizations and resources.


Our purpose is to assist our participants in identifying and overcoming barriers to full reintegration back into their communities.

Our Team

Co-Founder, C.E.O


Contract & Compliance Officer


Reentry/Transitional Strategy Planning
Critical Thinking
Housing Choices (Transitional vs Permanent)
Resources (Community)
Peer Engagement & Influence

Core Values

Clients First: All programming begins from a position of respect for our clients’ needs.
Always Authentic: Our work is driven by knowledge of and empathy for our clients’ experiences.
Knowledge of Self is the Key: We are committed to unlock the potential of our clients by introducing them to their true self.
Education and Employment are Key: Through improved self-esteem and personal responsibility, our clients gain employment/education and become positive contributors to society.
Systemic Approach: We conduct an integrated and systemic approach to fulfilling our mission.